In January 2024, SBI made changes to market data. All accounts were receiving encrypted data making the AODP client unable to capture live market data. We worked with a community manager at SBI they (SBI, not the community manager) decided to allow many accounts to receive unencrypted market data again. However, unencrypted data is based on some combination of variables that we are not aware of. We believe it involves multiple data points including the charactor/toon you are using, your overall account, the game server you’re on, playtime, founder status, if you spent IRL money on gold (legally via their site), etc.
If you are getting the highlighted message in the image below, no, there is nothing we (AODP) can do. Please don’t send a message in discord, because you’ll get the same answer as you see here. You can reach out to SBI, you may or may not have any luck with a support ticket, but expect no changes.
If “it worked 2 hours ago” and you changed characters/toons or which game server you’re on and now “it doesn’t work now”, that’s why.
If you are getting the highlighted message below, market history and gold history are sent to the AODP server, only live market data is not sent.